ما هي العلاقة بين الانتصاب والمتعة الجنسية وحجم القضيب

ما هي العلاقة بين الانتصاب والمتعة الجنسية وحجم القضيب
Until recently it was thought that the size of the penis did not affect the quality of the erection and the ability to reach jaundice sexual intercourse and other sexual functions. However, by comparing two groups of men aged 30-45 years, we saw that testosterone levels were always higher in men whose rods were longer than the normal penis (longer than 17 cm). Their sexuality is more active, with their sexual activity increasing by 90% compared to the other group. Low levels of testosterone lead to a rapid depletion of orgasm in men.
It is a vicious circle: the man with the short penis lacks the real pleasure of sex, so less sexual desire and become the practice of sex rare and low level of male hormones and less sex drive also.
Penis enlargement is a way out of this circuit, in case the resolution is not delayed until aging.


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